
Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 3 - Bring on the Water

So today for kicks and giggles I weighed myself. And my scale said I'd lost 3.7lbs since Wed night. Saaaaay What? Could this thing be working???? So immediately called all my friends & husband. Who all reassured me this could be working that fast because the first bit of weight is water gain. You mean to tell me water weighs that much?

My friends it indeed does. And let me tell you what I found out about water.

  • Your body is comprised of 60-70% of water alone and this water aids in digestion, absorption & assimilation of food.
  • Your blood is 92% water
  • Water regulates your body temperature. If you don't have enough you will compromise the evaporation process in your skin that helps keep you cool.
Question: How much should an average person drink when they are trying to lose weight?
Answer: A good guide is to drink 1 ounce for every 2lbs of body weight. So a 200lb person should be drinking 100 ounces or 12.5 cups of water a day.

By drinking this much water while trying to loose weight you will:

A. Regulate your appetite
B. Increase metabolism
C. Boost energy levels
D. Less water retention
E. Release toxic waste products that are built up in your system

So what is the point behind this post about water? other than telling you some cool facts The point behind it is ........ Drink Your Water!!!

Now for my daily totals

WTR: 104 ounces

1/2 C Grapenuts cereal = 200 P = 6g
1/2 C NF milk = 45 P = 4g
1/4 C fresh blueberries = 21
1 6 oz cup of coffee = 6
1 Yoplait Yogurt Light = 100 P = 5g

Am Snack:
Arbonne Vanilla Protein Shake = 160 P = 20g
1 TBSP of P.Butter = 90 P=4g

Tuna Salad with Humus & B.Rice = 321
Salad greens = 20
1/4 C B. Rice = 54
1/2 C Tuna = 140 P=13g
2 TBSP Humus = 60 P=2g
1 Mushroom = 5
1 Tomato = 26
1/4 C Zucchini = 9
1/4 C Cucumber = 7

Afternoon Snack:
8 Artisan cheese crackers = 65
1 cup of herbal green tea

Turkey Meatloaf, potato's and green beans = 400
3 oz of turkey meatloaf = 175 P = 20g
2/3 C of cheese mashed potato's = 175
1 C steamed green beans = 50

PM Snack:
Lucerne Fudge bar = 100

Total: 1508
Protein: 74 grams


  1. Try adding a little pure cranberry juice to your water. Not much. Only 4 oz. of cranberry and 28oz water. It helps with cellulite, and flushes toxins, and personally it helps get the water down. Trader Joe's has a "just cranberry" and so Knudsen's brand makes one too. You'll find it at Fred Meyer or Haggen in the natural food section.

    I learned about cranberry-water through Fat Flush Plan. It really works.

  2. Ohhh Cool I will do that. Thanks Kari!

  3. I've been trying to up my water just because I don't drink enough of it. Now I have some "hard cold facts" to encourage me to continue! Thanks!
