
Monday, May 7, 2012

"A life less sedentary"

"Live a life less sedentary, Live a life less ordinary, Live a life extraordinary"
Bare Naked Ladies

Let me introduce you to my song - these lyrics have come to have new meaning for me. Here's why:

This weeks weigh in was hard for me. I went in with a great attitude believing I would & could cross over the 25lb mark. And it was not to be. I gained .6 ounces.  How? I don't know how but it happened.  I came home discouraged & beat down.  My husband did a his weekly job of encouraging me. And it was then that I remembered these words and I am choosing a new outlook. 

Life less sedentary - I am exercising more than I have in a long time, 4-5x a week. On Sunday I did a 2mile run on the treadmill. I can now run 2miles without stopping. I would say that is a life less sedentary!

Life less ordinary - I am training for a Sprint Triathlon - I found myself telling my friend, who is a spin teacher at the YMCA, "it's just a sprint triathlon".  And she came back at me with a BIG  "So what - it's a Triathlon & it's more than anyone else is doing". She then went onto tell me how the first ever conducted triathlon race was a sprint distance. (more to come on that in another post) I am changing the way I look at the race now. I am completing a Triathlon, yes there are many different lengths, but I will be completing one in Sept.

Life extraordinary - I am the healthiest mentally and physically than I have been in a long time. And I am 
 24lbs down since mid January, 24lbs that isn't on my body any longer & 24lbs that I am DARN proud of. 

I am not going to let a mere .6 ounces keep me down - I am moving on. Next up - swim practice tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. you should be very proud!!! Have you ever picked up a 25lb. dumb bell at the gym and thought about that much weight coming off your body!! that is a lot of weight!! If you break up your weight loss in little can pick up a 5lb. dumb bell and say, "this is how much weight is going to come off me." Keep it up, Gina. You are doing amazing!
