
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 20 - Tuesday 9-1-09

Tuesday was Bill's dad's birthday. I ate well during the day but it all went to crap that night at dinner. Chinese food & then Dairy Queen for dessert. I counted calories all day until dinner. So my caloric intake this day is only up till dinner.

WTR: 96 ounces

Brkfst: 2 eggs & cheese = 175
1/2 p. toast w/butter = 75
3 sausage = 130
Red Potato's (2) = 150

Am Snack:

Lunch: WW Pita pocket = 150
2 slices turkey = 60
1 slice cheese = 110
lettuce & tomato

Afternoon Snack: 1/4 C almond trail mix = 140
Tall Pumpkin Spice NF latte = 200

Lots of Chinese food - many different dishes. I did eat small portions

PM Snack: 3/4 of a Dairy Queen blizzard

Total: Too many to count!!!

1 comment:

  1. It's so okay to have a cheat day every once in awhile. No biggie!
