Yesterday, I took my 2nd Power Pump class and oh my gosh was it hard. I thought the first class was hard but this class was equally hard. We started this class with those huge workout balls. Have you ever tried to exercise holding those things in the air, twisting around & moving side to side still holding one? First, they don't weigh much at all, maybe 2-3lbs max. Second, they get heavy VERY fast! I barely made it through the 2 song warm up. And we aren't talking about U2 songs here, were talking about some techno 2.5min song. My arms were dying 5mins into the class. The class continued with cardio/lifting intervals and I worked hard during all of it the entire time. I love that feeling of pushing myself to the max when my arms or legs are shaking as I lift & lunge. And just when I think I cannot go on I push through to finish the set. Gosh that's an amazing feeling. Workout high, YES - that's me.
Today, I got on the treadmill to do my 2nd run this week. I have been neglecting running & biking the last few weeks as I have tried to focus on swimming. So this week I determined that I am going to run at least 3x. As I got on the treadmill I told myself we'll just do the week 4 of Couch to 5K program. (5min walk warm up followed by 2.5min, 5 min, 3min runs & then repeat runs). However, after my 2min warm up I started to jog at a leisure pace of 3.7. And after 7minutes I was still feeling strong but my bladder wasn't. I kept going until 10mins of solid jogging and my bladder I am sure said "get off now or I am going to let it rip" After my quick trip I was back on and started right back into jogging but at speed 4. I continued to jog - feeling good. Somewhere around the 20minute mark, still jogging I could feel myself getting strong. I know those reading are thinking - CRAZY - she likes sweat, she is jogging - she is crazy.
Now my ability to jog for 28mins straight could be contributed too:
A. Bill was at the gym today with me and sent me a cute text that said "You're doing Awesome"
B. My super old school Eminem, LL Cool J and Fifty Cent play list I was rocking out too
C. Watching Kathy Lee & Hoda on the treadmill TV talk about a man's private - but pg for TV - interesting
One question that has been crossing my mind this week is - when does jogging cross into running? Is there a guideline? Was I jogging or running today, hmm?
Tomorrow - Weigh in day followed by swimming and Sunday an outside run - lets see how I do with that.
And I leave you with a picture of Bill and I after our hard workout yesterday. Love this man and so proud of him for joining me on this journey!
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