
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Skipped weigh in = lazy week

Saturday I skipped weigh in - my first time skipping since I joined WW. And its been all downhill since then. Amazing what happens when your mindset changes. And let me tell ya my mindset changed this past week.
Exercising was still part of the game but eating right went out the window very quickly once I told Bill "I am not going to weigh in on Saturday" - those 9 words started me spiraling out of control.

Today I feel like the biggest pile of pooh you've ever seen. I feel bloated, dehydrated, lethargic and just plain icky. My eating this past week has included far too many out of the normal things like chips & dips, guacamole by the bowl full, chocolate dipped shortbread cookies (later discovered were 5pts a piece! - don't ask how many of those I ate in one day!!), ice cream & really anything else I can think of sounds good.

Now I know ideally my weight loss journey looks different than my friends or my neighbors but rationalizing this in my head is a whole other animal. I find I am comparing myself to "So and so who has been on WW since Feb and has lost 40lbs"  or the Y member who has lost "25lbs in 2months" and then I beat myself up. I get down & depressed.  Which I am sure does nothing to help my physiological weight loss.  Yes, I said it - weight loss is also physiological. I believe when you  mentally focus on something it can either motivate you or it can distract you - which is what it does for me.

This morning Bill and I had a great conversation on this subject. And  he helped me realize that when I focus on how much am I going to loose? How many points did I eat today? How many points do I have left for the week? Or  did I make the 30lb mark today?  that I get distracted from the  journey at hand, which is just to loose weight. And when I do this my personality is to become obsessive. I wake up thinking of it & go to bed thinking of it. Which for me has resulted in lower weight losses or 2 gains.

So for the rest of the week until Saturdays weigh in I will be focusing on my exercise workouts and staying on track points wise. Which would also mean no more 5point choc cookies. (Thanks to my friends for taking those away from me)  And Bill has said "I will not allow you to skip weigh in any more" - So good or bad I will be weighing in on Saturday.

**In swimming news I swam 2 laps (4x down & back) without stopping yesterday and I completed a total of 8 laps.  By September I have to swim 9 laps or 18x down and back for the Triathlon. Swimming is definitely coming along. Woohoo!

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