Today is a bunch of stuff. A little of this and a little of that.
Blood/med levels today checked out great. And I don't have to go back for another check until next Friday....wooohooo! And the kids did great sitting and waiting nicely in the clinic. There was one small escapade of spilled water. Stupid self serving water containers that are kid magnet!
All in all it was an Election day miracle.
Which leads me to Election day - Today. You are not going to change my mind that has been made up for a few weeks now. Your adds are not doing anything but irritating me. And don't even get me started on all the crap arriving daily in my mailbox - a waste of trees. All the stuff flying around on Facebook is so disturbing. Why is it that if my opinion doesn't match with yours I am called a bigot and intolerant? What happened with accepting the fact that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and we are not going to agree all the time? I have a dear friend that I do not always agree with and we are still friends. We have at times strongly disagreed (envision screaming match) BUT we still respect one another and our opinions.
I love this quote by John Wesley 10/6/1774
"I met those of our society who had votes in the ensuing election, and advised them, 1. To vote, without fee or reward, for the person they judged most worthy: 2. To speak no evil of the person they voted against: And 3, And to take care of their spirits were not sharpened against those that voted on the other side"
I think this about sums up what Election day should be about. Right?
And finally - I am thinking of changing a new blog hosting domain. I have been a faithful Blogger fan since my first blog back on May 7, 2005 . I have come a LONG way with my blogging. Blogging about being Single, Running, Bus etiquette, Meeting Bill, babies and life. (There are some fun blogs - go read some of the old ones) Blogger has been a fun ride but I think I am ready to grow up and move on. Once I figure out things I will for sure post it on here.